Monday, March 28, 2022

View notifications

To view the notice outside the EU, please change the country code when browsing the blog by adding "?gl=<country code>" to the end of the URL, for example: " ?gl=fr". If you're using a custom domain, you won't see a notification when browsing outside the EU.

Cookie Notice for EU Countries

Under European Union (EU) law, you are required to provide EU visitors with information about the cookies used on your blog. In most cases, the relevant laws also stipulate that you must obtain the consent of the visitor to use cookies.

In order to comply with these regulations, we have placed the following notice on your blog in particular:

"This site uses Google's cookies to help provide services and analyze traffic. In addition, this site will provide Google with your IP address, user agent, performance and security metrics to ensure service quality, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse.”

Visitors can use this notice to learn that Google uses certain Blogger and Google cookies on your blog, including Google Analytics and AdSense cookies.

Change Notification

If you have deliberately edited to hide this notice on your blog, it is your responsibility to inform your visitors about the cookies used on your blog and, where necessary, to obtain their consent. Not only that, but if you also include other cookie-setting blogging features (including third-party analytics or advertising services), you must also tell your visitors the truth.

You must decide what additional instructions must be included in the notice based on the cookie you are using. If you choose to use other notices, you must still comply with Google's EU User Consent Grant Policy.




歐盟國家/地區的 Cookie 通知

根據歐盟 (EU) 法律規定,您必須為歐盟地區的訪客提供網誌上所用 Cookie 的資訊。在多數情況下,相關法律同時規定,您必須取得訪客同意才能使用 Cookie。


「這個網站會使用 Google 的 Cookie 來協助提供服務及分析流量。此外,這個網站會將您的 IP 位址、使用者代理程式、效能和安全性指標一併提供給 Google,以確保服務品質、產生使用統計資料,以及偵測並處理濫用情形。」

訪客可從這則通知瞭解 Google 在您的網誌上使用了特定的 Blogger 和 Google Cookie,其中包括 Google Analytics (分析) 和 AdSense 的 Cookie。


如果您刻意透過編輯在網誌上隱藏了這則通知,則有責任向訪客告知您的網誌上所用 Cookie 的資訊,並且在必要時取得訪客的同意。不僅如此,如果您還加入了其他設定 Cookie 的網誌功能 (包括第三方分析或廣告服務),也必須如實告知訪客。

您必須根據自己所用的 Cookie 決定通知中還必須附上哪些說明。如果您選擇使用其他通知,仍必須符合 Google 的歐盟地區使用者同意授權政策。 

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